
"I don’t know about you but ten years ago I was an almost-hot mess. I had a naive optimism about the world, a quick temper, a sharp tongue, and wild, frequently unkempt hair."

We asked 40 other women what advice they would give themselves ten years ago. Read what they had to say!

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Isn’t it funny how so many women that we walk past on the street, coffee shops, department store lineups, buses, grocery stores, and restaurants hold deep secrets? Secrets of past (or current) abuse, secrets of insecurities, secrets of life tragedies countless secrets that we will never know. The thing about secrets is that they weigh us down with unnecessary burdens. So as an ode to a weight lifted, here is one of mine...

Our Blog Contributor, Elizabeth Peprah shares a beautiful and empowering poem about the secrets that haunt Black women in this blog post.

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Hi y’all, my name is Joy and I learned about my hair type when I was around 17 years old. I was on Aunty Google’s search page and I found an image chart along with the characteristics of my hair type.I think as humans we naturally want to belong to a category, so that we can share similarities with other people. Belonging to a hair category can also mean that you won’t have to pioneer your way through a hair care routine but easily find one online – or so I thought.

Our Blog Contributor, Joy, discovers that learning about your hair type is just the beginning of the journey. Read on to hear the rest of her story!

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I cannot remember the exact age I first thought to myself “I am ugly”. In elementary school, I felt as cute as a button. But in high school, it was a different story. I became so aware of myself, and the things I “lacked”. It was in high school I began to have an issue with my gap teeth, my skin colour, and even my lips.

Our Blog Contributor, Ataisi Iris, shares how her standards of beauty have evolved over the years. Read on to hear more of her journey!

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Did you know that I have never used my own money to buy a wig? Every wig I have had so far has been a gift. There’s just something in me that would rather spend $150 on braids than on a wig. However, a couple weeks ago, I felt the time was right.

Our Blog Contributor, Bade Obasa shares her journey to slaying the perfect wig in the article below in this new blog post. Read more to see how it went!

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