I Tried To Slay My Own Wig.... and Failed

A Black woman lies on a concrete road and stares off into the distance
Did you know that I have never used my own money to buy a wig?

Every wig I have had so far has been a gift, haha. There’s just something in me that would rather spend $150 on braids than on a wig.

However, a couple weeks ago, I felt the time was right. You may be thinking “ the time was right for what?”. Good question. I felt it was time to invest in a good wig with my own money. I remember doing my research and showing my sister different options from vendors I had found. I kept saying “Omo, how do you people do this?I can’t spend this money o. For common hair? Tah!”. And she would just laugh at me.

The next day, I finally gathered the willpower to buy a wig. So I thought since I had one good short wig, why not try something different?. I decided to search and buy a burgundy or wine coloured wig. “Let’s give dem”!

Bade Obasa with burgundy lace frontal wig not fully installed

I went ahead and ordered my first wig and it came one week earlier than expected. I had spent a lot of time preparing and watching YouTube videos (like Toni Olaoye’s) on how to install a lace frontal wig. But when I attempted to slay this wig, I failed... badly. Bruh, if you see the way I cut the lace, you’ll laugh. This was the moment I realized that this hair styling business is really a gift and it’s okay to at least have tried. Thankfully, I was able to reach out to my girl, Betty Butter who revived my lace front and was able to install the wig for me.

Here’s a picture, what do you think? Rihanna who? What lace? Snatched to the heavens. 

Bade in fully installed burgundy wig wearing makeup and hoop earrings

The moral of the story: Don’t Write Yourself Off Just Yet.

Give that idea or project a try and if you fail, it’s not the end, try again or look for a different method to achieve your goal. What’s more important is the process, character and resilience you built along the way.

About the Blogger: Badé Obasa

Bade wearing a red blazer with her hand in her natural curls This article was written by our Blog Contributor, Badé Obasa. She is in three words - passionate, playful and caring. She enjoys bringing people together and providing hospitality to her guests. Professionally, she is a behavioral counselor who provides care to young teenagers with special developmental needs. In her free time, Badé is either dancing, watching comedies, taking romantic walks or creating. Check out www.badeobasa.com to explore her creative writing where she shares her personal growth journey and features resilient individuals. To connect with Badé, follow her on all social media platforms @bade_obasa                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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